The Alpine Clinic - Plymouth
101 Boulder Point Drive
Plymouth, NH 03264
(603) 536-2270
Currently seeing patients in:
North Conway
hosted by Littleton Regional Healthcare
Survival of the Fit with Dr. Daniel F. O'Neill
Watch on YouTube

Dr. O'Neill's website
Mid-State Health Center
101 Boulder Point Drive
Plymouth, NH 03264
(603) 536-2270
Clinical Interests
Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Psychology
B.A. in Chemistry, Bard College-Annadale-on-Hudson, NY
Medical Doctorate, Stony Brook School of Medicine-Stony Brook, NY
Doctorate in Sport and Exercise Psychology, Boston University, MA
Surgical Intern, Mount Sinai Medical Center-New York, NY
Resident & Assistant Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedics, University Hospital-Stony Brook, NY
Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic and Fracture Clinic-Eugene, OR
Board Status
Board Certified in Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Sub-specialty certification in Sports Medicine, ABOS
Sub-Specialty Certification
Diplomat - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
Diplomat - National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
Diplomat - American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
New Hampshire Orthopaedic Society (NHOS)
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Knee Surgery
Millions of people have knee surgery each year, and in the years to come, as millions more head to the operating room, chances are you or someone you know will undergo knee surgery. Busy doctors, therapists, and athletic trainers have limited time to spend on an individual's physical and mental rehabilitation, yet these are the keys to full recovery.Survival of the Fit
offers a new, revelatory, and occasionally controversial, plan to save the health of America's youth, and lays out a blueprint for parents and educators to make our kids stronger, smarter, and better equipped to lead a healthy and happy life.
More about Dr. O'Neill's books →
- O'Neill DF, Thomas CW. Less is More: Limiting Narcotic Prescription Quantities for Common Orthopaedic Procedures. The Physician and Sports Med Journal. Awaiting Publication, Nov 2014.
- O'Neill, DF, McKeon, BP, Miller, SL, Zaichkowsky, L. Nexus of psychological and physical health impacts surgical performance, training. Ortho Today. May 2012.
- O'Neill DF, Zaichkowsky L. Psychological Aspects of Injury and Rehabilitation. In: Micheli LJ, ed. Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc; 2011: 1168-1173.
- Zaichkowsky L, O'Neill DF. Biofeedback. In: Micheli LJ, ed. Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc; 2011: 162-164.
- O'Neill DF. The Psychology of the Aging Athlete. In: Chen A, DiNubile NA, Hawkins RJ, Tokish JM, eds. Orthopaedic Care of the Mature Athlete. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; 2011: 155-163.
- O'Neill DF. The Arthritic Patellofemoral Joint. In: Chen A, DiNubile NA, Hawkins RJ, Tokish JM, eds. Orthopaedic Care of the Mature Athlete. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; 2011: 433-447.
- Monthly Columnist for HealthCentral.com. Jan-Dec. 2010.
- O'Neill DF. Sport Psychology and Counseling: Aging Gracefully and Actively. Int J of Ath Ther & Train. 2009: 14:6.
- O'Neill DF. Knee Surgery: The Essential Guide to Total Knee Recovery. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press; 2008.
- O'Neill DF. Injury contagion in alpine ski racing: The effect of injury on teammates' performance. J of Clin Sports Psych. 2008; 2:3.
- Mann BJ, Grana BA Indelicato PA, O'Neill DF, George SZ. A survey of sports medicine physicians regarding psychological issues in patient-athletes. Amer J of Sports Med. 2007; 35: 2140-2147.
- O'Neill DF. Wrist injuries in guarded versus unguarded first-time snowboarders. Clin Orthop and Relat Res. 2003; 409:91: 5.
- O'Neill DF. Snowboarders brace for falls. BioMechanics. 2002.
- O'Neill DF. Return to function through aquatic therapy. Int J of Ath Ther & Train. 2000; 5: 14-16.
- O'Neill DF. The slippery slope of articular cartilage injury. Aqua Ther J. 1999.
- O'Neill DF, McGlone MR. Injury rates in first-time snowboarders versus first-time skiers. Amer J of Sports Med. 1999; 27:94-97.
- O'Neill DF, James SL. Valgus osteotomy and anterior cruciate ligament laxity. Clin Orthop and Relat Res. 1992; 278.
- Singer KM, O'Neill DF. Update on elbow injuries in the young athlete. In: Grana WA, Lombardo JA, eds. Advances in Sports Medicine and Fitness. Mosby, Inc; 1990.
- O'Neill DF. Heterotopic bone formation. In: Dee R, Mango E, Hurst LC, eds. Principles of Orthopaedic Practices. McGraw-Hill; 1989.
- Articles published in Starting Gate Magazine, Ski Week Magazine, Evening Citizen Newspaper, Health Beat Newsletter. Newspaper citations in the NY Times, Foster's Sunday Telegram, Record Citizen, Evening Citizen.
Academic Appointment
Adjunct Professor, Plymouth State University
Affiliate Professor for the College of Health & Human Services, University of New Hampshire